Are you curious? Do you think that our MORE would be just right for you? Do you think that your needs and our strengths are a good match? Let’s get to know each other. You know – we are damn good listeners. There are many ways to get in touch, whatever suits you best. For example, let’s arrange an initial meeting atFürstenstrasse 13, 2344 Maria Enzersdorf, right on the southern outskirts of Vienna. Too far away, too difficult and time-consuming to start with? You’re right. Call us on +43 2236 3840 or just write us a short email in advance OFFICE@AGENTUR-DMP.AT Or even better: get to know the boss of the house right from the start. JANINE WALD is available to you 24 hours a day J.WALD@AGENTUR-DMP.AT or her mobile number +43 676 440 5558 with all her experience and passion for B2B.
INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMERS: As you know, we work very internationally. Projects in 14 countries & 5 continents are our proof. We have a GLOBAL FOCUS with a focus on the DA-CH AREA . Contact us at +43 676 440 5558, HELLO@AGENTUR-DMP.DE or INTERNATIONAL@AGENTUR-DMP.at to contact.
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Digital Motion Picture Datenverarbeitungs GmbH
Fürstenstrasse 13, 2344 Maria Enzersdorf, Österreich
+43 2236 3840 41
+43 676 440 5558
FN 221.307b HG Wien. UID ATU54245703
Mitglied der Wirtschaftskammer FG Werbung und Marktkommunikation
Gewerberechtliche Geschäftsführung: Mag. Michael Wald
Berufszweig: Werbeagentur